uber alles ‘Stab in the back’: Turkey responds fiercely to Germany’s ‘disgraceful’ Armenia genocide vote Published time: 3 Jun, 2016 15:28 Edited time: 3 Jun, 2016 18:09 http://on.rt.com/7egs © missmegmartin © missmegmartin / Instagram Turkish media and government figures have condemned Germany’s vote to recognize the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces as a genocide. Trends Viral Multiple Turkish news sources made comparisons between German President Angela Merkel and Adolf Hitler, drawing comparisons between the Armenian genocide and Nazi Germany’s Holocaust. “Comrade stabs us in the back”, “Turkey will not forget” and “Open the gates” are just some of the headlines splashed across Turkey’s newspapers Friday morning, reports Turkish Anadolu Agency. “Shame on You” screams the non-government funded Hurriyet along with a picture of the voting German parliament. Sozcu, a secular-nationalist newspaper writes: “The grandchildren of Hitler accusing Turkey of genocide” accompanied by a photo of Merkel outfitted with a Hitler mustache and swastika flag. The strongest cover came from the AK Party-related journal, Star, which devoted a full page to Merkel with a Hitler mustache with the headline: “Everything for the PKK”, referring to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Turkish security forces are currently engaged in operations against the PKK in southeast Turkey. Holocaust comparisons to match those harsh words came from within the Turkish government too. READ MORE: Armenian genocide vote: Turkey vows to take steps in response, recalls ambassador from Germany “They burned Jews in furnaces and now they slander the Turkish people by accusing us of some genocide. Why don’t you look at your own history first,” Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ was quoted by the Anadolu Agency. Read more Armenian clergy men and activists react after law makers voted to recognise the Armenian genocide after a debate during the 173rd sitting of the Bundestag, the German lower house of parliament, in Berlin on June 2, 2016 © Odd AndersenGerman parliament acknowledges Armenian genocide amid intense Turkish pressure On Friday the Turkish foreign ministry responded to the German vote in a written statement, published on their official website and translated by AA, where they describe the motion as “an example of ignorance” and “disgraceful.” "This resolution is an example of ignorance and disrespect for the law, politicizing history, preventing free discussion on historical issues and trying to impose the self-created taboo of the Armenian narrative as an indisputable fact," said the ministry. “There is nothing that Turkey will learn from the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany,” they added. Turkey denies allegations of genocide, instead acknowledging that there were “casualties on boths sides.” Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said these were “Ordinary events that could take place in any society or any country… in 1915, under conditions of World War I,” when speaking to the press on Thursday, Hurriyet reported "The history of the Turkish nation is clear. There is no single event in our history that we feel ashamed of," said Yildrim to the Star as cited by AA. Despite Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan saying relations between Germany and Turkey will be “seriously affected”, by Friday PM Yildirim had adopted a less severe approach. “Nobody should expect that our relations with Germany to get worse completely and suddenly due to such resolutions,” he said. Posting rulesFAQ Comments (73) Enter text... Frik du Toit Frik du Toit> Jake Seilman2 minutes ago Frik du Toit Jake Seilman Turkey, seems like such an appropriate name for that country You've got that right, for sure. ReplyContext +0-0 Jake Seilman Jake Seilman19 minutes ago Turkey, seems like such an appropriate name for that country Reply +2 +2-0 paul Smith paul Smith21 minute ago If you occupied what was considered the ideological / moral centre ground in 1965, and went to sleep for 50 years and woke up in 2015 you'd find yourself occupying the ideological /moral 'far right'. You didn't have to budge one inch ideologically to find yourself there. The whizzing sound you heard was the ideological / cultural centre ground zooming over to the Cultural Marxist hard left. Everything that was considered mainstream, obvious, common sense, logical and moral in 1965 is now considered by our political, academic and media elite to be bigoted, ignorant, hateful, xenophobic, racist, extremist and some form of moral abnormality. In other words, within the space of 50 years, morality, right, wrong, evil, good, normal, obvious, extreme, sanity, truth, beneficial, dangerous and the instinct for group preservation, has been inverted and stood upside down on its head. Never before in the entire course of human history has an entire culture, race and civilisation decided to hand over its lands, social capital, heritage and identities to competing and intruding alien cultures without a fight, and even worse, to evolve an ideology that morally justifies and glorifies it as proof of their moral supremacy. Dan O'Connor. Reply +0-0 Hakop Gasparian Hakop Gasparian> Amjad Kouli29 minutes ago Hakop Gasparian Amjad Kouli What about Hashnac & Tashnac terrorist armenian parties ....who raped thousands of ottoman's female moslems and killed many hundreds of more... If what you say was the truth, which is not, there would be Armenia stretching from Russian border to Mediterranean. You are just continuing with you official state philosophy for last 120 years, vilifying your victims with lies and slander. ReplyContext +1 +1-0 Amjad Kouli Amjad Kouli38 minutes ago What about Hashnac & Tashnac terrorist armenian parties ....who raped thousands of ottoman's female moslems and killed many hundreds of thousands of moslem ottoman's men,women and kids.... Now the world is taking the side of the armenians... we live in a world with double standards ... Reply -1 +1-2 Lawrd Lawrd> Jouma Sepoes52 minutes ago Lawrd Jouma Sepoes This is typical Turkish double standards. Even if Turkey had the slightest bit of relevance in the argument for Germany and more... By the way, real Holocaust happened with Greek people in 1821. Accidentally Turkey was again involved. Greeks are indeed proud people not to speculate about such things. ReplyContext +1 +1-0 Abdir Abdir> Astrit Kasa55 minutes ago Abdir Astrit Kasa It is interesting how much Merkel looks like the old Hitler in the bunker. Why Turks worry so much of more... even wild animals are going nuts if you pay a close attention. something in the air is messing with our brains. could it be climate change? ReplyContext +0-0 NCC 1701 NCC 1701> Peter Van Den Berg57 minutes ago NCC 1701 Peter Van Den Berg germany's leader won't be soon. Election polls are very positive about her departure from government Light at the end of the tunnel! ReplyContext -1 +0-1 David dov David dov1 hour ago Turkey is kikking Kurds today. He is saying that 1915 was not a genocide. But he is doing the same thing 100 years later. I understand Turkey is THE CONNECTION between Middle East and Europe (oil suppliers and demanders respectively) but its time to say no to Ottoman/Turkish barbaric ways. Reply +2 +2-0 keghamminas keghamminas> keghamminas1 hour ago keghamminas keghamminas Erdogan reflects perfectly the turkish ill temperament : immature , angry , threatening, yelling ...They can dare to show their savage more... "Stab in the back " : A typical paranoid turkish way of thinking and lying, they accuse till today the Armenians by " stab in the back " inorder to justify their 1915 Genocide ! ReplyContext +1 +1-0 keghamminas keghamminas1 hour ago Erdogan reflects perfectly the turkish ill temperament : immature , angry , threatening, yelling ...They can dare to show their savage barbarism against the disarmed civilians, women ,children but they are very coward and sneaky infront of a superior forces . Turkey is more and more nasty towards it's EU friends and Nato allies under the SUPPORT OF THE US ! Turkey will risk more international and European isolation for it's multiple crimes : platform of expanding islamic terrorism ; threatening abuses and blackmails to the EU using the migrants crisis ; abuses of human rights inside Turkey with the Kurds' bloody massacres ; denial of the Armenian Genocide ; islamist fascist internal political drifts ... Reply +3 +3-0 raven workload raven workload> Daisy Adler1 hour ago raven workload Daisy Adler Germany and Turkey = Pot and kettle Not even remotely the same. ReplyContext +2 +2-0 Tempic Tempic1 hour ago Lets just declare war on Turkey and throw some nuclear bombs on it. Reply +3 +3-0 razerznak razerznak1 hour ago well turkey should broom before the first threshold, they made genocide first, ww1 and ww2 is a big difference Reply +5 +5-0 Eugene Podolsky Eugene Podolsky1 hour ago well at least now Turkey can forget about EU membership! Reply +6 +6-0 Udongein Udongein1 hour ago This is hilarious. They call Germany n((a))zis and portray them as such despite them calling out genocide. Wouldn't n((a))zis not really care? Reply +5 +5-0 Peter Van Den Berg Peter Van Den Berg> NCC 17011 hour ago Peter Van Den Berg NCC 1701 Unfortunately, Germany's leader does bow down to this self-proclaimed sultan. germany's leader won't be soon. Election polls are very positive about her departure from government ReplyContext +3 +3-0 Astrit Kasa Astrit Kasa1 hour ago It is interesting how much Merkel looks like the old Hitler in the bunker. Why Turks worry so much of the medias about the past? There are holocausts done in every country for 2000 years . The way that things are developing there may be created blocks...russia...turkey...EU...west...north america and england.....china...Iran...south america who may create camps and go to wars. World is broken in divided pieces....in tensions against each other Reply +1 +2-1 Michał Szkwyra Michał Szkwyra1 hour ago Send all muds and nigs from Europe to Turkey and Israel. Reply +2 +3-1 Daisy Adler Daisy Adler1 hour ago Germany and Turkey = Pot and kettle Reply -1 +1-2 show more http://on.rt.com/7egs

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